Author: Administrator
Tips for Choosing the Right Business Partner:
By Neuss Devlin 12/15/2012 If you think that having a business partner is what you and your business needs, here are some tips for you while choosing ‘the’ business partner for you. Background Check: Make a thorough check of the potential partner on personal and professional levels. It…
Sponsorship and Underwriting Campaigns: Would You Please Fund Our… ?
By Tony Poderis Sponsorships and underwriting are different labels for basically the same thing: funding donated for the support of a project, program, event, initiative, activity, or even a salary. In general, foundations are identified as underwriters and corporations as sponsors. Individuals can be either, but in most instances…
How to Ensure Other People Remember You….. (And Your Business)
Have you ever remembered a fact or other information but could not remember who told it to you? “It’s on the tip of my tongue” or “it will come to me later”. That happens to other people as well. If you are the source then you just lost a…
7 Things to Leave off your Resume
So you’re writing your resume and figure the structure is fine, but what about the content? With more and more resumes being sent to fewer positions, employers see the same phrases come up over and over again. In order to write a resume that stands out, job seekers should…
Cloud Computing
Computing has come full circle. In the early days of mainframe computers, everyone interacted with large centralized mainframes through terminals. Wide area access to the huge computers was through long distance serial communications links, all hooked up to dumb terminals. After that came the PC. Everyone could now own…
The 10 most effective advertising techniques
1. Go to networking and other community events From a chamber of commerce business card exchange, to a town fair—going out and directly meeting new people is hands down the most effective way to spread the word about a small business. Some business cards, a nice smile, and a…
Building the Perfect Survey
Knowing what the client wants is the key factor to success in any type of business. News media, government agencies and political candidates need to know what the public thinks. Associations need to know what their members want. Large companies need to measure the attitudes of their employees. The…
Legal Pitfalls for Business
Businesses face many pitfalls and challenges every day. Many small businesses are not prepared to meet some of these situations, resulting in lost time and resources. A few of these pitfalls are: Insurance Workers’ Compensation Disaster Planning Taxes Security and Records Keeping Independent Contractor or Employee? Employer Liability…
A trademark is a brand name. A trademark or service mark includes any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination, used or intended to be used to identify and distinguish the goods/services of one seller or provider from those of others, and to indicate the source of the goods/services. …
Stress Reduction Techniques
Our brains and bodies react to dissatisfaction, unhappiness, anxiety, stress, anger, and threats in the same way, and to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the intensity (immediacy) of the actual or perceived situation. The brain’s warning center sands a “squish” of chemicals that cause the body to…