Author: Administrator
Accelerator vs. Incubator: What’s the Difference?
The terms sometimes get used interchangeably, but they’re not the same thing. And that matters if you’re thinking of applying. If you’re interested in getting your start-up into an accelerator or incubator there’s no shortage of options. But these terms sometimes get thrown around interchangeably. Do you know the difference…
Bankruptcy Law Changes
It has long been suggested that struggling small businesses have little potential to reorganize by virtue of traditional Chapter 11, which was designed more for manufacturing giants than the local diner. Typically, attorney costs, large creditor leverage and the administrative drains on management overwhelm and ultimately doom a small…
How to Deal with Unacceptable Employee Behavior?
Is it your job to supervise any of these characters? The Excuse Artist– Misses every deadline and goal, but always seems to be ready with a good excuse or to place blame and point fingers at others. The Short-Changer– Late to work, early to leave, “stretched” lunches, extended brakes…this…
4 Ways to Fund Your Business on a Bootstrap Budget
By Alyssa Gregory, Guide One of the most difficult parts of starting a business for many entrepreneurs is figuring out where to get the capital needed to get the business up and running. If you don’t have the money saved up, can’t or don’t want to take out…
Tax Incentives for Investment Real Estate
The effectiveness in protecting income from taxation is the true test of any tax shelter. Most real estate is purchased, at least in part, because of the tax benefits that accrue for the owner. Ownership of real estate can produce substantial tax savings that can transform a fair investment…
Deductible Expenses with Home Office
Mileage to and from games and meetings Uniforms Umpire equipment Home office • Percentage of square feet • Utilities • Computer • Internet • Phone Insurance- ABUA Associate fees State fees- OHSAA Overnight travel for umpire assignments Example: Umpire 100 games at $55 per game = $5,500 With no…
Contracting in Greater Cincinnati: A Guide for Homeowners and Contractors
The home improvement industry is different in every city around our country because of such factors as building codes, local custom, contractor licensing requirements and local regulations. The fact that Greater Cincinnati straddles the border of Ohio and Kentucky so near to Indiana certainly complicates matters. Adding to the…